If you happen to encounter having a vehicle breakdown on the road, it is a must to look for safe places while waiting for roadside assistance. Otherwise, you could be placing yourself and the people with you in massive danger. Naturally, roads are hazardous, hence, the danger of being in an accident considerably increases when you are within a location that’s not safe while waiting for roadside assistance. Guarantee to prioritize your safety first by refraining from going into these unsafe locations while waiting for help:  


On the road  

The moment you observe that’s something’s not right with your vehicle, it is highly suggested to pull off the road as soon as you can. You really need to escape from oncoming traffic because once you are stuck in the middles of the road, it could be a major risk for your safety. Moreover, you should always attempt to pull off the right-hand side and into the emergency lane, shoulder, or even totally off the road if you can.   

Right beside your vehicle  

Standing outside your car and calling for assistance is highly discouraged as it could be extremely hazardous. As you wait for assistance, you must never stand behind/in front or directly next to your car because other drivers might never see you and could possibly hit you or your vehicle. This scenario could possibly be horrendous once you get clipped by another vehicle. It would be advisable to wait for the assistance inside your car or go outside and walk farther the road.   

Outside the vehicle on a freeway  

The kind of road you break down on would greatly affect how dangerous or safe it would be to wait for roadside assistance. For example, when you break down on a highway, it could be more challenging to pull over as the approaching traffic moves much rapidly compared to other roads. In this case, you must never go outside of your car to wait for assistance. You might feel unsecured breaking down amidst the highway, however, the danger of being hit by a speeding vehicle would be increased if you decide to go outside. So, always remember to wait for any assistance in your car if you happen to be in this case.   

Know that life is very unpredictable. So, you have to find the best towing companies near you if you happened to be stranded on the side of the road during the fall and winter. If you ever find yourself in need of a Kissimmee tow truck service, we’re here to help! Our tow truck drivers are fully licensed, certified, and insured. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need roadside assistance or any of the products or services we provide. You can do so by visiting our website or calling our toll-free number. You may rest assured that our tow truck contractors will be right there in your area on the dot. Get in touch with us right away!